Community Tone - Captured from a digital Bassman emulation.
Tone downloads are linked to the Github ToneLibrary and are json format. These are only compatible with the SmartPedal plugin. Amp models labelled "DirectOut" and pedal models should be used with an Impulse Response for cab modelling. Amps captured with a mic don't require an IR.
Community Tone - Captured from a digital Bassman emulation.
Captured from a Blues Jr. at clean settings with SM57 mic.
Captured from a Blues Jr. at full gain settings with SM57 mic.
Community Tone - Captured from a digital emulation of a Friedman amp.
Community Tone - Captured from a digital british style amp.
Blackstar HT40 in overdrive mode with the Gain set at 10, recorded from a SM57 mic.
Blackstar HT40 in overdrive mode with the Gain set at 5, recorded from a SM57 mic.
Captured from a Forcefield Compressor at medium compression settings.
Community Tone - Captured from a home modified amplifier.
Community Tone - Captured from a Ethos Amp at high gain, direct out.
Community Tone - Captured from a Ethos Amp at low gain, direct out.
Captured from a Fulltone Fatboost at at high drive and mid Bass/Treble settings.
Rockman stype Goat distortion pedal at high gain.
TS9 Overdrive Pedal, high gain medium tone.
Little Big Muff Pedal at high gain.
Community Tone - Captured from a digital Matchless emulation.
Community Tone - Mesa Mark 5 High gain.
Mesa Rectifier Mini Amp, channel 2 modern swtich on, Gain at 1, direct out.
Mesa Rectifier Mini, channel 2 modern swtich on, Gain at 7, direct out.
Proco Rat pedal at high distortion.
Rockman XPR rackmount at high distortion, direct out.
Tumnus overdrive pedal at high gain.